What does fullness in life mean to us who are in Christ Jesus?
We are celebrating one of the most important events in Christianity today. This is the Sunday on which Jesus Christ rose again after sealing our salvation with His death: His resurrection.
And as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, we reflect on what resurrection means to us. We evaluate its impact on our personal lives as Christians.
Let us ponder on the questions of Pastor Serge before we proceed,
“Are all of us living to the fact and to the truth that Jesus has resurrected from the dead? How does it play, how does it affect your daily living? Does it affect your daily decision? Most importantly, how does it affect every part of your life as far as resurrection of Jesus Christ is concerned?”
The Fullness of Life through the Resurrection of Christ
It is very important for Christians to believe in the resurrection. Jesus conquered death and proved that there is life after death. Nonetheless, are we living a life that believes in the resurrection through Christ Jesus?
If Jesus was indeed resurrected, we must also believe that we cannot find any of His remains here on earth. This, aside from believing that He is alive in heaven.
His disciples were not resurrected. Religious leaders were also not resurrected. Above all, it is only Jesus who claimed that He will be crucified, buried, and after 3 days be resurrected all throughout history. And it was fulfilled.
Think about this – the remains of the great people in history are still here with us… all except the remains of Jesus.
This being said, what is the relationship of His resurrection to us having the fullness of life?
As Pastor Serge has mentioned, “fullness of life is not only applicable here on earth but also in the afterlife.” We are able to live life to the fullest because deep down, we have the assurance that we belong to a risen Savior. We have the hope that we will have life after death (1 Cor 15:20).
The Implication of the Resurrection
In 1 Corinthians 15:19, Paul says “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.”
What does this mean to you? If our hope is only limited to this life we live right now, and if Jesus was not resurrected, then all that we do here is meaningless – it is in vain. Paul also said that “ If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than human hopes, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised,
“Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die.”[d]
What we are doing now: attending church, helping others, going through persecution because of our faith, and even for those who died because of their faith; if Jesus wasn’t resurrected all these are worthless.
But Jesus didn’t remain dead. He rose from the dead! And with that, we have the beautiful hope in Him that we too shall rise from the dead in glorious bodies and spend eternity with him. With this truth, we have a deeper purpose of living our lives.
The Imperatives of the Resurrection

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, “33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”[
a] 34 Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.”
This is the time when there were people who started to believe the false teachings that there was no resurrection, thus no life after death for the believers. But Paul commanded them to stop entertaining these thoughts in their minds and hearts. It led them to commit immoral actions. Paul reminded them that knowing and believing in God is the right way of living.
We should live a life that shows we rose with him because we believe in the truth that Jesus was raised from the dead.
When we talk, think, or do things, it should be a reflection of a new life we have in Jesus: to live a life in obedience through the Gospel.
What are the things that we need to keep in mind?
1 Corinthians 15:33 “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Whether you like it or not, the people you surround yourself with have an influence on you. You have to be careful in choosing the company that you keep. You should remember that departure from your Christian beliefs is departing from your Christian behavior. What kind of company do you surround yourself with? Do they inspire you to be a better Christian or do they fill your heads with doubts about your faith and your salvation?
1 Corinthians 15:34 “Come back to your senses as you ought…”
You must not forget your true identity even when surrounded by unbelievers. You are who you are right now because of your identity in Christ. Our relationship with Him identifies who we are. We live in this dying world, and we sometimes commit mistakes or experience a lot of hardships, but we must remember that no matter what happens, our identity remains in Him. We are the sons and daughters of the living God. Do you still remember who you are?
1 Corinthians 15:34 “…stop sinning”
When you remember who you are in Christ, you choose to live your life in a righteous way. You are sons and daughters of the living God.
You may still stumble and sin, but through Jesus’ resurrection, you believe that there is an invisible power in you that can help you overcome the trials in life.
To live life to the fullest is to believe in Jesus’ resurrection. We may be living in a dying world, but we have the hope that we will rise again just like our risen Savior.
Should we keep this good news to ourselves? No!
Let us go in obedience and share the good news of life after death found only in Jesus!
Have anything to pray about? We’d love to pray with you. Message us at +1 (707) 600 – 6010 or leave us a message on our
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You can also read the 7 Last Words series: