Father’s Day Appreciation Post

Last week, we celebrated the life of Fathers all over the world. We remembered their joys and pains; their trials and successes. Being a father is not an easy task. However, it is also one of the most rewarding jobs a man will have.God, in many ways, have illustrated His relationship with us...

Feed The Hunger

  The most common and by far the worst hunger is hunger of the spirit. Most people say they are okay, that they have everything they want and need. Yet if they would listen to that still,small voice inside, they would know that its whispering “feed me”. On Saturday, Feb 28 from 8 to 10 a.m.,...

Love After Marriage Workshop

  Experience Love After Marriage through a 5 Day Intensive Workshop or a 3.5 Day Intensive Workshop. These workshops are designed as an accelerated format to bring supernatural breakthrough into your marriage. Come join us with Holy Spirit to learn how to bring spiritual, emotional and sexual...

A Book Review for Unlocking Heaven

Unlocking Heaven – Keys to Living Naturally SUPERNATURALThe book “Unlocking Heaven – Keys to Living Naturally SUPERNATURAL” shows us that, in the bible, Jesus called every believer to live a naturally, supernatural life. He wants to bring the Kingdom to earth so that what is in heaven, can be on...

Fathers, You Are Wanted and Needed!

Not every child gets the opportunity to grow up with a father figure. Some fathers disappear even before the child is born. Other fathers were there at the start and become alienated through circumstance, like divorce, and slowly disappear over time. While there are also others who are always...

Slow Down, Reconnect and Nurture Your Family

Raising a family is a sacred gift from God, so it is important that we take time to nourish and not take this sacred institution for granted. Families are more than just a group of people living in a house and sitting on the same table to dine. However, amidst the squabbles of every day life —...

An Inspiring Advice From a Parent to His Son

From time to time, human as we are, we get into misunderstandings with each other, even with our own family. It is important that we acknowledge our shortcomings so that we learn to understand them and learn from them.This story is an inspiring one. This is the story of a son in an argument with...

The Importance of a Father in The Life of a Child

Our fathers play a very important role in our lives. Their influence is invaluable and their nurturing love is irreplaceable. It’s Father’s Day this Sunday, so during this very special day let’s take some time reflecting on the importance of a father figure in the life of every child and some of...

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

What words come to mind when you take a look of yourself in the mirror. Do the words “I’m fearfully and wonderfully made” often come to mind?Maybe there are days when you feel not so wonderful at all, days when you consider yourself “average” or “not bad”. There may be even those days when you...

Making Daily and Life-Changing Decisions

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”Joshua 24:15...

Every New Day Is an Opportunity to Say Thank You

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18Every single day we have countless opportunities to thank God for all the wonderful blessings He has given us — our family, the gift of a new day, an able body, good friends, food on the table,...

Are You Going Through A Phase That Requires Courage?

Are you experiencing a season of trepidation? Don’t worry, it’s not all bad, because on the other side of your fear lies your destiny.The devil lurks on our fear, and God is calling us to courage. But to answer God calls we must first confront our fear, confront our demons. As Christopher Columbus...

How Youths Can Stay Close to Christ During the Summer

Summer is just around the corner and with that comes various summer activities — summer camps, sports camps, summer vacation to another place, and summer jobs. There’s just so much exciting things to do and new things to try… and you’ve been waiting for this the entire year.So, with all the...

Mending a Broken Relationship: Always Speak and Act in Love

Real relationships involve real emotions and they need effort and commitment to work. And since we, humans, are fallible, we will inevitably hurt people and people will hurt us. Pain is all part of living. Pain and hurt is just as real as love.God knew all this, so He provided us with practical...

Growing in Prayer: A Journey

God calls each and every one of us to a life of prayer. No matter how long we have been a believer, or how long we have been saved, there is always room to grow — and growing in prayer is the best possible way that we can improve.For most of us, our journey in prayer and with God starts when we...

Healing Through Forgiveness

If you carry a lot of resentment, hatred and bitterness, you will live an unhappy and strained life.Are you a parent struggling to forgive the drunk driver who ended your son’s life? A child living with an abusive parent? A spouse learning to deal with the hurt of a cheating partner? A mother...

Simple Ways to Have a Peaceful Life

A peaceful life does not necessarily mean there’ll be no more problems and challenges. Because peace doesn’t come from the outside factors in our lives, it comes from deep within the condition of our hearts.Being peaceful means living harmoniously with your inner self, with others, and with...

Finding Strength in Times of Weakness

God is aware of our everyday struggle. He knows of the anxiety and stress that we get trying to balance everything out and live a harmonious and peaceful life. He knows of the days when we are so confused and hurt, and weary and broken.That is why He said this:“But those who trust in the Lord will...

What Every Youth Ministry Leader Should Know

At a certain point, kids who were raised in the church starts to renege when they reach young adulthood. This is unfortunately an occurrence that many youth group leaders had been facing.If you are a youth leader, and you want to have a strong and solid involvement from the youth, here are some...

Children Ministry Job Description

Children Ministry Job Description Primary Duties and Responsibilities (Under the supervision of the Membership Ministry)Plan, formulate to implement and execute the Pastor’s Theme, Purpose, Vision and Goal as far as children ministry is concern.Recruit, train and motivate volunteers for leadership...


Primary TaskDisburse all funds received into the church treasury in a responsible and organized manner with funds identified and bills paid when due, so that the mission and ministry of the congregation are supported and strengthened.Primary Duties and ResponsibilitiesPlan, formulate to implement...

Prayer, Mission and Social Services

Primary Duties and ResponsibilitiesPrayer and FastingIdentify key people in the church who are willing to pray or serve in the leadership of prayer ministry and enlist their commitment.Plan, formulate to implement and execute the Pastor’s, Vision, Mission and Goal as far as prayer and fasting...

Praise and Worship

Primary Duties and ResponsibilitiesPlan, formulate to implement and execute the Pastor’s Theme, Purpose, Vision and Goal as far as magnification ministry is concern.Coordinate with the pastor or assigned preacher regarding theme of the worship service, special programs, selection of hymns and...

Church Care Ministry (CCM)

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Church Care Ministry (CCM)

This content is restricted to site members. If you are an existing user, please log in. New users may register below.

Church Outreach and Member Care Director

Primary Duties and ResponsibilitiesDevelop church members to be personal witnesses of their faith in JesusCoordinate for Prayer and visitation for hospitalized members and their families.Coordinate with other church workers and leaders to who to visit and follow up among the church...

Church Members and Visitors Care Director

Primary Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Church Members and Visitors Cared Director will oversee the church settings, arrangement and atmosphere to ensure that every person entering the church is greeted and that visitors are welcome and is able to find his or her desired destination easily. This...

Church Cliques: How is it affecting the Church?

Cliques are quite common in churches. Some are formed intentionally, while others ahuggingre unintentional.Cliques that are formed with members aware of the exclusive group they are forming within the church, and are enjoying the exclusivity they have, are downright harmful.On the other hand,...

Why We Should Attend the Church Every Sunday

Attending church is part of the life of a true follower of Christ. So, it is therefore discouraged that you plan other non-church related activities that will be in conflict with Sunday services and other church-related programs. However, there may be circumstances that’s beyond our control....

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Mother’s Day Greetings

Mother’s Day Greetings

Here are heartwarming greetings from our JRM-Vallejo community for Mother's Day. Watch and enjoy! [widget id="text-33"]

Post Service Conference Call

Post Service Conference Call

For those who want to join our post-service conference call with Ptr. Serge for fellowship and prayer, click this link: https://zoom.us/j/5131573145