Sermon of the Week: Follow Wear

Sermon of the Week: Follow Wear

What does it mean to "Put on Christ?" This sermon tackles the idea of being one with God and living in union with Him. What does "God in us" look like?

Women’s LifeGroup: Pursuing to Know God’s Character

Women’s LifeGroup: Pursuing to Know God’s Character

It has been said that "God is knowable, but He is incomprehensible." The goal of this statement is not to discourage us to pursue God. It is to welcome us into the heights and the depths of knowing God; of pursuing to know Him, His character. We have an open invitation from God to "Draw close to...

Men’s LifeGroup: Emotions That Take Strong Men Down

Men’s LifeGroup: Emotions That Take Strong Men Down

We are still on the series about the life of one of the great deliverers in the history of Israel. Through this topic, we will examine how emotional responses to situations have affected the life of one of the strongest men in the bible --- Samson.

Sermon of the Week: Next Steps

Sermon of the Week: Next Steps

We are excited to hear Ptr.Haydee Ilan preach about the next topic in the " Follow Jesus Series"! The christian life is a life-long journey. We endure and persevere in our faith as we hold on to the promises God has for our lives, families, communities, cities and nations. However, this journey...

Tarrying Nights October 2018

Tarrying Nights October 2018

We are at the last quarter of the year! So many things have happened and we are excited for what is to come. For this quarter, let us remember how God has been faithful, how He has always been with us every step of the way. Let us thank Him for the requests He answered and the wonderful things He...

Happening Tonight at JRM-Valllejo

Happening Tonight at JRM-Valllejo

We are introducing a new series for our Discovery Life Group! This series will discuss the Seven Feasts of the Lord. It features a series of teachings on how these feasts from the old testament paint a picture of Jesus. Through these topics, the group will have a glimpse of the Father's heart and...

Life Groups at JRM Vallejo

Life Groups at JRM Vallejo

We are strengthening our Life Groups at JRM-Vallejo! We are creating an environment for our brothers and sisters to grow and explore our faith. Through these groups, we provide a space for believers to be encouraged by being connected with our community. These are some of the Life Groups we have...

Jesus Reigns Ministries’ Stand on Alcohol and the Ministry

Jesus Reigns Ministries’ Stand on Alcohol and the Ministry

Introduction: The purpose of this post is to explain to the Ministry why staying away from alcohol is necessary for a Christian to render a committed service to God and His church. Abstinence is our way of separating ourselves from worldly desires — it allows us to be filled with the Holy Spirit,...

Living by Faith

Living by Faith

The Bible portrays stories of men and women who had done great and wonderful things in the name of God. We read about the journey Israel and the prophets witnessing the providence of God in all their situations. We also see that these people are far from perfect. Elijah reached the point of...

God Made Us Alive with Christ

God Made Us Alive with Christ

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is central to our beliefs. In fact, even Paul said in Corinthians that if Christ was not raised from the dead, then the preaching of the Gospel is pointless. Through the death of Jesus, we were all redeemed. We were saved from our sinful nature and all its...

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

For this month of August, we launched a 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Chain. Through this journey, we are calling everyone within the community of JRM-Vallejo to intentionally engage in focused prayer by skipping at least one meal a day and praying for the items listed below. We have seen how God...

Joint Family Camp 2018

Joint Family Camp 2018

This is one of the best camps of JRM-Vallejo!  People were refreshed and revived in the presence of the Lord and made new commitments to serve God and to share the Gospel. It was worth the time and the money to join the camp! Special thanks to the Music and Camp Team headed by sis. Heidi Anne Ilan...

VBS 2018

VBS 2018

One of constant joy is to be able to minister to children. Imagine its effect on us when we get the opportunity to spend time with them for a week! Oh what a joy! Here are some of the photos from this year's VBS:

It’s VBS Week!

This is going to be a fun and productive week at Jesus Reigns Ministries Church! How we love to serve and minister to the children! Stay tuned for more updates. 

Never Stop Praying

The phrase "Never Stop Praying" is a popular motto among the believers of Jesus. We usually see it on bumper stickers or cafe walls from time to time. We see it printed on shirts and posted on Facebook as a cover photo. The idea of non-stop praying is nothing new. It has been said by Paul in...

Draw Near

God is never early nor late. He is always on time. He has a perfect plan for each of us as individuals and the world as a whole.  In the book of Ecclesiastes, the author emphasized the times and the seasons for many things,  time for the sun to rise and a time for it to set.  We all...

Why Tarry?

The meaning of the word tarry means "to delay", "to linger in expectation", or "to wait". It also means to abide or stay in or at a place. ( According to, this word appears in occurs 51 times in 50 verses in the KJV. The idea...

He is Alive, He has Risen!

He is Alive, He has Risen!

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the core of Christianity. Without this, Jesus was merely a man sentenced to death. Moses was an instrument for Israel's deliverance from the hands of Pharaoh, yet he died. David was a powerful warrior, yet he died. His son, Solomon, was among the...

Darkness Can’t Conquer Light

During storms, some things are unavoidable. At one moment, we are inside the comforts of our homes, waiting for the storm to pass, then in the blink of an eye, we are covered in darkness --- power outage.   It is amazing how quickly the darkness surrounds us in the absence of light. On the...

Loving Our City with Christ

Loving Our City with Christ

Love is the core of Christianity. It is the center of what we do, why we exist, and why we persist. In this year’s anniversary, we focused on rallying the church to "Love our City with Christ". This is a call and a challenge for all believers to get out of our comfort zones and to intentionally go...

Senior’s Life Group

Senior’s Life Group

Click this to watch the video. It is such great joy to see the Senior’s Life group flourish through the efforts of our dear Ptra. Irenea Elec. In one of their gatherings early this month of December, more than 30 residents gathered together to worship the Lord, listen to the preaching of His Word,...

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday at 7:30pm, the church gathers for a prayer meeting. This is the time we spend as a congregation to discover God's heart through prayer and to stand in the gap  for our families, communities, cities and nations. It is such pure joy to hear the chorus of believers praying and...

Preparation and Planning for 2018

Preparation and Planning for 2018

For most of us, the month of December marks the end of the year. This is the time we contemplate on the things that we have encountered, lessons we have learned and victories we have achieved. For our leaders at JRM-Vallejo, the month of December means all of those things mentioned above and MORE....

Contentment: The Secret to Gratitude

The book of Psalms is filled with admonitions to “come to the Lord with thanksgiving” and to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good”. The bible never lacked instructions for us to express our gratitude to the Father. However, there are times when gratitude is our first reaction to situations we...

Fall Fun Family Night

Fall Fun Family Night

Fall Family Fun Night is one of the many Nights we will be happy seeing on Facebook Memories! 

Loving Our City with Christ – JRM-Vallejo 17th Year Anniversary

We, Jesus Reigns Ministries Church in Vallejo, have celebrated our 17th Year Anniversary on September 17, 2017 with the theme “Loving Our City with Christ.   This year, we are rallying the Church into going to all the corners of the city to spread the love of Christ -  in the...

Serving the Community with Coffee and Prayer

Serving the Community with Coffee and Prayer

3 John 1:5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, even though they are strangers to you; they have testified to your love before the church. Entertaining strangers is not a new concept in the bible. Throughout scripture, we see examples of the people of God being encouraged to...

VBS 2017: Created by God for a Purpose

VBS 2017: Created by God for a Purpose

"What am I supposed to do with my life?"  This is one of the most crucial questions we will ask ourselves in this life. If you ask the kids, purpose is not an abstract concept. It may be one of the many things they are already doing or are dreaming of doing. Knowing our purpose is a journey each...

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