Let These Be Our Prayer Focus This Season
Let us lift up to the Lord our nation and the world! We will get out of this situation even stronger!

New Ways to Give
We have made giving easier for you. Check out these four ways to give.

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Connecting with the church has never been this easy! Get access to the latest updates we have through our church app!

Our Response? We are Not Afraid
In light of the global situation we are in due to COVID-19, we are launching our new sermon series "NOT AFRAID". When faced with circumstances beyond our control, our usual initial response is to feel helpless and be afraid. For a moment, our minds play its tricks on us and point us to a path of...

See You at Our Facebook Live!
Hi JRM-Vallejo fam! You can now join us online via Facebook live.

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
As we start this 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, I want to encourage you to join me in thinking about the next 21 days as more than just going without food, or a spiritual battle, or a discipline to get what you need from God. All of those things will certainly be aspects that we will encounter,...

Christmas Begins with Christ
Christmas is celebrated around the world. Each culture has a slightly different version of it. To those who have grown around a Filipino community, Christmas begins as early as September, popularly known as the start of the "BER" months. Being one of the most important events in the Christian...

Thank You, Jesus!
We are excited for this year's Thanksgiving! There is no better way than to celebrate this season than with all the people we are thankful for. Different cultures and traditions set aside time in their calendars to give thanks for blessings even before the establishment of the Thanksgiving...

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? One of the most controversial issues around this time of the year in the Christian sphere is the celebration of the Halloween. The different approach Christians have on this day have divided leaders and christian communities over the years. Halloween is...

Tarrying Nights – October 2019

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

Fall Retreat 2019

Feeding Our Friends in Need

19th Year Anniversary Celebration

Senior Citizen’s Day

4 Things You Should Not Forget on National Parent’s Day
The fourth Sunday of July, now recognized as National Parent's Day, became an official holiday in 1994. It was signed into law for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." People are encouraged to recognize the hard work and the exemplary roles of...
Mission Trip at Bulan, Sorsogon
DAY 1: Feeding Program [gallery display="owlautowidth" targetsize="full" captions="onpopup" captiontype="p" bottomspace="default" gutterwidth="20" columns="5" link="file" customlink="false" hidecontrols="false" newtab="false" class=""...

Illumination: How the Truth of the Scripture is Revealed to Our Hearts
Welcome to Part III of the series Txt Msg. Our topic for this Sunday is Illumination: How the Truth of the Scripture is Revealed to Our Hearts. May the Truth bring light to our hearts and bring us closer to our Savior!

Tarrying Nights July 2019
Can you believe it? We're on our third Tarrying Nights this year! We are inviting the #JRMVALLEJO fam to join us in these 3 nights of spending time with the Lord in worship, prayer and fellowship. You can't miss this! 🔥

Part II: Canonization
Have you ever wondered why we have these set of writings compiled as our Bible? In the first part of this series, we have taken the historical journey of the inspired word of God. In this series, we will discuss how the books we have today were chosen to be a part of the Bible.

Part I: Inspiration
Discover where we got the scriptures through this sermon. We will take a journey through the history and uncover powerful insights into the written word of God.

Txt Msg: New Sermon Series
In our new sermon series, we will deeper look into the written Word of God. We will examine our beliefs about the Bible. It is our desire that as we explore this topic, our hearts would be moved to spend quality time studying the Bible and interacting with God through His word.

Part 2 – Pure in Heart
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

Part 1 – Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

New Series for May
We want our family to enjoy peace, happiness, and contentment, but so often we stumble through our most important relationships. In "Bless This Home," discover four family-altering qualities: purity, peace, righteousness, and persecution.

Easter Sunday Celebration
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the crucial points in our Christian faith. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, all our faith is in vain. We can create a long list of influential leaders who have had a great impact in this world. They have built empires, religion, established kingdoms...

I AM the Vine
We are on the last leg in the series I AM Jesus. Don't miss this Sunday's sermon. It's going to be powerful!

Women’s LifeGroup Breakfast
All women at our church are welcome to join our Women's LifeGroup Breakfast this Saturday, April 27, 2019. See you all, sisters in Christ!

Men’s LifeGroup
Let's keep building our Men Community here at JRM-Vallejo though our Men's LifeGroup! See you this Friday, brothers!

I am the Light of the World
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12