Last week, we celebrated the life of Fathers all over the world. We remembered their joys and pains; their trials and successes.
Being a father is not an easy task. However, it is also one of the most rewarding jobs a man will have.
God, in many ways, have illustrated His relationship with us to that of a Father and his children. He has designed the role of the fathers as a glimpse of His heart for His people.
Jesus Reigns Ministries Church in Vallejo celebrates the life of Fathers. We honor all the Fathers in JRM family. We thank the fathers who have been a part of this church. Fathers who in their own way, dedicated their lives to grow into the love and grace of God.
We want you to know that we appreciate all the time you have invested in the Kingdom. We appreciate you for sharing your skills and talents to help in the ministry God has entrusted to us at JRM Vallejo. Most importantly, we thank you because through you, we get a glimpse of the heart of God. The way you take care of your family, the way you demonstrate love and care, has given us a chance to understand the heart of our Father in Heaven.
Thank you, Fathers!

We also want to thank all those people who have spent time and resources to make Father’s Day at JRM memorable.
We want to thank the Women’s Ministry, especially Sis.Kim Abuan,
for the tasty barbecue, also Sis.Lea Magpantay.
Thanks to the Children’s Ministry, headed by sis.Cindie Badua. There’s no feeling greater than seeing the children exerting effort to express appreciation for the fathers.
Lastly, we want to thank the Youth, headed by bro.Jon Badua, for the heartwarming presentation. And of course, Sis.Heidi Anne Ilan for spending time to make the presentation possible.
Events like this prove our bond as a community of believers in Vallejo. We are humbled and at the same proud to be in Jesus Reigns Ministries Church in Vallejo, loving our city with Christ, one person, one family and one community at a time.