The church started in 2000, within a two car garage by the Villegas family in Rodeo, California. It was the beloved Nanay Precy Villegas who encouraged her children to start Jesus Reigns Ministries (JRM) located in Northern California. The idea was supported by all the children and the small group of people who attended the Bible Study as well—it all flourished swiftly in their home garage.
After several months of meetings, that same year, the small group of attendees moved to the City of Vallejo which is nine miles from Rodeo. They were able to rent at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Florida Street—at that point in time, they only rented the meeting hall every Sunday for four to five hours which caused them to bring their audio and musical instruments back and forth for the next three years—in order for them to hold services. Rev. Mark Awa ao, his wife (Pastor Tess), and the senior pastors from JRM Hawaii visited the small church frequently to support, train, encourage and provide the guidance they needed.

During the month of August 2001, Serge Santos from the Philippines was designated as the Senior Pastor. The small church kept growing under his leadership, then after three years they were able to move into a larger location at Mini Drive. The new location did not only provide four times the former location’s space, but it was 10 times the cost as well. It took a great deal of faith to take on the building improvements, chairs, and especially the increased obligations—but after their faith was put into prayers and the consultations with the church leadership and members—God heard them and helped them with their needs.
The youth group started in 2004 and the congregation still continued to grow—new faces of leadership emerged swiftly and the church started to reach out to different communities through door-to-door evangelism and heartfelt prayers. Groups of prayer intercessors walked throughout Vallejo neighborhoods and prayed for the people who lived in those areas.
Not only additional members flourished, but children’s ministry as well started during the month of March 2009—a larger space was needed yet again. Then God greatly provided the church with 2,500 sq. feet building in Meadows Plaza, Sonoma Boulevard as the growth continued to multiply including the Vacation Bible School as well. In this location, the church began a program of offering coffees and prayers to the community every Sunday morning. They also became a part of the annual “Pista sa Nayon” celebration on the Vallejo waterfront where they offered coffee, snow cones and prayers.

The youth group started in 2004 and the congregation still continued to grow—new faces of leadership emerged swiftly and the church started to reach out to different communities through door-to-door evangelism and heartfelt prayers. Groups of prayer intercessors walked throughout Vallejo neighborhoods and prayed for the people who lived in those areas.
Not only additional members flourished, but children’s ministry as well started during the month of March 2009—a larger space was needed yet again. Then God greatly provided the church with 2,500 sq. feet building in Meadows Plaza, Sonoma Boulevard as the growth continued to multiply including the Vacation Bible School as well. In this location, the church began a program of offering coffees and prayers to the community every Sunday morning. They also became a part of the annual “Pista sa Nayon” celebration on the Vallejo waterfront where they offered coffee, snow cones and prayers.

Jesus Reigns Ministries continues to grow through prayers and dependence in the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. New souls were able to open up their lives and hearts to God and they all kept multiplying. Then the church decided to move into a new and larger location at 3467 Sonoma, 10 Blvd, in Vallejo Shopping Plaza.
The church has added bilingual services both in English and Tagalog. Tagalog services begin at 8:30 and English services begin at 10:30. Youth night take place every Friday night from 7 to 8:30. The first services were held in December of 2014; the celebration of the 14th year anniversary and Grand Opening was held on Sunday, January 25. Guests will include the Vallejo, Ca Mayor Osby Davis.
A new chapter has begun again since the history of “the small church” that could actually do things that God has gave them the power to make everything possible. This church has claimed the promise of God’s word in the book of Acts 2:47- “Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”

A new chapter has begun again since the history of “the small church” that could actually do things that God has gave them the power to make everything possible. This church has claimed the promise of God’s word in the book of Acts 2:47- “Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”